Why I hate terror-inducing spam emails and the W3.org validator

2023-07-13T18:05:57-07:00Timely, Internet Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Website Design|

Everybody hates spam ... not the meat(?) but the crap emails that fill up your inbox. I particularly hate the spam emails about SEO and how your website is so horribly constructed that you will never be able to rank for anything (we're website developers, too, [...]

Comparison of How the ROI for SEO and Email Marketing Compare

2023-07-13T18:05:01-07:00Timely, Internet Marketing, Search Engine Optimization|

How does the ROI for SEO and email marketing compare?  Two common methods of marketing today are email marketing and SEO. They each have their distinct advantages in the world of marketing, and being successful at one or both of these techniques can help drastically [...]

The Many Benefits of SEO for Jewelry Stores

2023-07-13T18:05:04-07:00Timely, needs featured image, Search Engine Optimization|

With more and more companies doing business online, including jewelry stores, the challenge is not only for one company to have a website, but to optimize their online presence. This is quite difficult, but only if you do not know the right strategies to be executed. [...]

The Benefits Of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

2023-07-13T18:05:20-07:00Timely, needs featured image, Search Engine Optimization|

The process of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has been around for many years now. Companies that have been using it since the beginning have seen business grow and in many instances, profits skyrocket to levels they never imagined prior to the optimizing their website with a [...]

How Strip Malls Influence Your Internet Marketing

2023-07-13T18:05:24-07:00Timely, needs featured image, Search Engine Optimization|

4Spot Marketing’s president, Jeff Arnold, is featured in the most recent edition of Jewelry Business Advisor magazine for an article on Internet Marketing and SEO.  His article discusses how jewelry store owners need to think ‘what’, not ‘who’ when designing and building their websites. When people [...]

SEO Success with an HTML Website

2023-10-11T03:33:37-07:00Timely, Jewelry Store Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, SEO Success, Success Stories|

There are thousands of website design firms in this country, and a select handful that specialize in the jewelry industry.  We are able to perform search engine optimization services for all of these sites. Here is an example of the SEO success that we’ve had with [...]

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