How To Effectively combine our AdWords and Facebook Audiences- (Partner Categories) Part 3

2022-10-29T01:43:29-07:00General Information, Internet Marketing|

Hey people, if you’re here, then that means you’ve already checked out Part 2 and Part 3 of this 3rd section of a 4-part series combining AdWords and Facebook audiences. In this blog, we’ll be focusing on partner categories. So let’s get started! What is a [...]

How to effectively combine your Facebook and AdWords Audiences-Part 4

2023-07-13T18:05:27-07:00Timely, Google AdWords & Remarketing, Social Media Marketing|

(Summing it all up) Welcome to the fourth and final chapter of our 4-blog series on combing the two megaliths of online advertising; Google and Facebook. So what have we learned so far? Well, let’s have a short recap. Ok, so both Google Analytics and Facebook [...]

Need to troubleshoot your Facebook Ads? Here are 5 awesome tips

2023-07-13T18:05:29-07:00Timely, Internet Marketing, Social Media Marketing|

If you advertise on Facebook for your Jewelry store, then at one point or another, you’ve encountered the proverbial issue of ads not working. This can be utterly frustrating, especially if you are parting with a lot of money for paid advertising. However, you can remedy [...]

Demystifying the complexities of Facebook Ads for funeral homes

2023-07-13T18:04:30-07:00Timely, Funeral Home Marketing, Internet Marketing|

Are you trying to figure out how to incorporate Facebook Ads into your advertising strategy for your funeral home? If that’s the case, then today’s post is perfectly suited for you. In fact, we’ll be discussing all the particulars on how to appropriately utilize the Facebook [...]

Facebook Ads’ Advertising Tools

2022-09-30T19:28:33-07:00General Information, Internet Marketing|

As you may already know, Facebook Ads is the platform, system or tool you can use to create all kinds of advertising campaigns inside the biggest social network and Instagram. Ads on either of these platforms can be greatly beneficial to any brand, business, freelancer, etc. [...]

The benefits of spending at least $1 a day for Facebook Jewelry store ads

2023-07-13T18:05:31-07:00Timely, Jewelry Store Marketing, Social Media Marketing|

We live in a time where Social Media basically runs the show when it comes to marketing and advertising. In retrospect, tv ads always had all the allure back then; and jewelry stores were spending thousands of dollars in order to reach a wider audience. Even [...]

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