Jeweler Website Hits #1 in Google

2023-07-13T18:08:16-07:00Timely, Internet Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Website Design, WordPress|

Google search rankings for retail jeweler Michele & Company’s website prior to the redesign by 4Spot Marketing. After launching the new Google-friendly website, the client is dominating the search results. Just 9 short days ago we launched the [...]

Client Testimonial – Amy Beeghly

2023-07-13T18:04:21-07:00Timely, Client Testimonials|

Amy Beeghly The choices available when considering website design are overwhelming. One of my fears at the beginning of the process was that our website wouldn’t reflect the personality of our business. Jeff was very willing to explore our ideas, and helped to develop them. He [...]

Google AdWords Work for Funeral Homes

2023-07-13T18:04:27-07:00Timely, Funeral Home Marketing, Google AdWords & Remarketing|

All funeral homes share the same problem when trying to gain new clients. That common denominator is local competition. You are probably wondering if there is anything you can do to solve this. This article contains the perfect solution for all innovative funeral directors who are [...]

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