Reducing the bounce rate of your Google AdWords Campaigns

2023-02-15T04:09:48-07:00Google AdWords & Remarketing|

Bounce rate can be quite detrimental for your Google AdWords campaign. In simple terms, Bounce rate refers to the people who came across your website, but left almost immediately. The visitors never look at your subsequent pages. Despite that, it’s noticeable that in today’s online marketing [...]

Google AdWords Work for Funeral Homes

2023-07-13T18:04:27-07:00Timely, Funeral Home Marketing, Google AdWords & Remarketing|

All funeral homes share the same problem when trying to gain new clients. That common denominator is local competition. You are probably wondering if there is anything you can do to solve this. This article contains the perfect solution for all innovative funeral directors who are [...]

5 Ways Your Jewelry Store Can Benefit from Google AdWords

2023-07-13T18:04:38-07:00Timely, Google AdWords & Remarketing, Jewelry Store Marketing|

Online marketing and Google AdWords – two marketing must-haves that go hand in hand. When a potential customer is looking for the perfect piece of jewelry, they are most likely going to turn to Google to find it. The consumer is searching for you, and AdWords [...]

[VIDEO]: Google AdWords for Jewelers – Video Interview

2023-07-13T18:04:39-07:00Timely, Google AdWords & Remarketing, Internet Marketing, Jewelry Store Marketing|

Jewelry Marketing Guy - AdWords for Jewelers Interview Below is an interview and the full transcript of the interview when Jimmy "The Jewelry Marketing Guy" DeGroot interviewed 4Spot Marketing's President, Jeff Arnold, about the use of Google AdWords and remarketing as part of a [...]

How to effectively combine your Facebook and AdWords Audiences-Part 4

2023-07-13T18:05:27-07:00Timely, Google AdWords & Remarketing, Social Media Marketing|

(Summing it all up) Welcome to the fourth and final chapter of our 4-blog series on combing the two megaliths of online advertising; Google and Facebook. So what have we learned so far? Well, let’s have a short recap. Ok, so both Google Analytics and Facebook [...]

Pros and Cons of Google AdWords vs Facebook Advertising

2023-07-13T18:05:30-07:00Timely, Google AdWords & Remarketing, Social Media Marketing|

Reaching out to your potential customers through paid advertising might intimidate you, even more so if you’ve never done it before. In this article, we’ll split the pros and cons of both advertising platforms so you can make the most out of your marketing campaign. Paid [...]

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