Customer Review: Sandra Locken Excellent service, excellent price, and excellent people.

2023-07-13T18:04:26-07:00Timely, Client Testimonials, needs featured image|

We have been working with Dale and Sandra Locken.  Here is a review that Sandra just posted to Google about working with us. We have been working with Jeff and his team for the past four years. The experience has been nothing short of fantastic for everything [...]

SOLVED: Gravity Forms Stripe Add-on Won’t Authorize with Stripe Account

2023-07-13T18:08:17-07:00Timely, General Information, Tech Tips, WordPress|

I was in the process of trying to get a client's Gravity Forms Stripe Add-on to authorize with their account and could not get it done, even though it seemed to be a very simple issue.  After communicating with Gravity Forms Support, I got it [...]

Testimonial: Jeweler Loves Their New Website

2023-07-13T18:04:41-07:00Timely, Client Testimonials, Jewelry Store Marketing, needs featured image|

4 Spot marketing just completed our website and I am very happy with results... Jeff worked closely with me and made all of the changes that I bothered him everyday with.. He was easy to work with and we are still working with little things I [...]

Client Testimonial – Jennifer Smith

2023-07-13T18:04:28-07:00Timely, Client Testimonials|

Jennifer Smith Jeff has been essential in helping organize a very messy system. He’s helped us minimize what used to take multiple steps to complete actions into simple check and save forms that even I can’t mess up! The Wishlist/Keap Max Classic (formerly Infusionsoft by Keap) [...]

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