Important SEO Strategies for Jewelry Stores

2023-07-13T18:04:58-07:00Timely, Jewelry Store Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, SEO Success|

Most online jewelers seem to understand the importance search engine optimization has on web traffic, but it’s amazing how many don’t take the initiative to implement the basic tactics. The few that do, are genuinely happy with the results. Sometimes even having to restructure the way [...]

SEO for Vape Shops – Success Story

2023-07-13T18:05:27-07:00Timely, SEO Success, Smoke and Vapor Shop Websites, Success Stories|

SEO is a critical component to a vape shop's online marketing.  Google bans the advertising of vape shops and vaping products since they are classified as 'tobacco' products, so the only way you can be sure to have a presence in the search engines is [...]

SEO Strategy for the Upcoming New Year

2023-07-13T18:04:59-07:00Timely, Search Engine Optimization, SEO Success|

The current year has brought a completely new group of advances in the way businesses are marketing their services and products. Marketers have been using SEO much more frequently work on improving their Google rankings. With more than 12 billion internet searches per month, SEO is [...]

Customer Review: Ryan The BugMan Each year, I’ve seen a 40% increase (solid)

2023-07-13T18:05:28-07:00Timely, Client Testimonials, SEO Success, Success Stories|

We have been working with Ryan The BugMan.  Here is a review that Ryan just posted about working with us. I'll be 3 years in April 2016.  Each year, I've seen a 40% increase (solid). The website is responsible for driving 80% of my new business leads. PA, NJ, [...]

Customer Review: Hibu Visibility Report

2023-07-13T18:05:29-07:00Timely, Client Testimonials, Funeral Home Marketing, SEO Success, Success Stories|

One of our funeral home SEO clients emailed us today to let us know that she had one of her internet marketing reps stop by to give them an overview of how well they are doing.  They are dominating the Internet in their area.  You can [...]

SEO Success: Immediate #1 Rankings for eCommerce Website

2023-07-13T18:08:18-07:00Timely, eCommerce, SEO Success, Success Stories, WordPress|

4Spot Marketing’s Innovative Optimization Catapults New Client to #1 Search Engine Results Ranking Within 5 days of their launch, sold enough product to more than pay for their new website and optimization LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, FEBRUARY 10, 2016 - 4Spot Marketing recently created a brand [...]